Businesses from across the Colne Business Improvement District (BID) Area met at Colne Town Hall to form the BID Company following a successful ballot. Eight people put their names forward to become directors and their nominations were unanimously accepted at the meeting. The
Read MoreJuly Newsletter – Its YES to Colne BID!
On 28 June 2018, businesses and organisations in Colne voted in favour of establishing a Business Improvement District (BID) for the central commercial area of Colne.
Of 117 votes cast in the ballot, 87 were in favour, representing a majority of the votes cast, and
Colne Town Centre Forum 17 January 2018
Outline BID Proposal
At a meeting of the Colne Town Centre Forum, to be held Wednesday 17 January 2018 at 5.30pm in the Town Hall, the outline of a BID Proposal for the town will be presented by the Colne BID Project Manager, Chris Kolek.
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Report of Consultations
Survey of Colne Business Priorities Aug-Sept 2017
The purpose of the survey is to inform, shape and focus what a Business Improvement District (BID) for Colne should address from the perspective of those running businesses and organisations in the town. A total of 74 survey